Confidence & Oversharing Online

Let’s talk…


When I first started blogging three years ago I was unemployed and feeling pretty low. I had a lot of confidence sucked out of me from countless failed job interviews and rejections. Writing my blog was a little escape from it all and I loved it. It reminded me that I could achieve things and it kept me sane, but for a while I didn’t like telling anyone about it. I used to cringe when I showed people the things I had made from fear of being criticised, so I would avoid it and keep them to myself. I didn’t want this thing I loved doing to be rejected too.

Three years on, I have slowly gained my confidence back and feel like I have found my way in life. I have a job I love and am settled with Tom in our little house. I love writing my blog and am grateful to have an outlet that allows me be creative in my own way but the thing with blogging is you need to share your life with people, and that’s something I still struggle with. In writing a post you are sharing your personal thoughts and opinions which opens you up to criticism and comment, not everyone will think the same as you or so the same as you and that’s scary. I have always been a bit of an introvert, as a creative and quiet child I would often shy away from the limelight, not wanting to upset anyone or rock the boat. I have a lot more confidence in own abilities and self now, it’s when I have to express that to other people that I doubt myself and that ‘what if?’ question pops up. Putting myself out there and allowing a bit of my personality to be seen and scrutinized makes me feel uncomfortable.

So how does an inner introvert cope in a world of selfies and hashtags?

In the crazy world of blogging it’s becoming more and more important to be relatable and connect with your readers, often through social media. This is where I suck. It comes back to the rejection thing, I worry far too much what people think of me, so shy away from putting anything close to my heart online. This is were Instagram stories is a winner, short snippets of everyday life that only last 24 hours are a great way to learn to let go of the perfect snap.

I am discovering the more you open up and share the more people relate to you and although I might cringe inside, it can help me connect with you guys and show you there is a human on the other side of the screen.

Remember no ones perfect

Although Instagram might portray it that way, it’s easy to forget no ones life is perfect all the time, you don’t see the mistakes, the tantrums, the piles of washing and the mess around the kitchen sink. I try to remind myself to let go a little, yes that picture might not be perfect, but why not laugh about it in the captions?!

Who cares if it goes wrong, no ones perfect and that makes you human. In a world full of perfect Instagram feeds people love seeing the imperfections behind the camera, its refreshing.

Do it you own way

When I first started out blogging I thought I had to do it a certain way, selfies, flatlays, photos by the garden fence. It has all been a learning curve and I have discovered whats for me and what’s not. After all confidence comes from just being yourself. People don’t want to see clones, they want to see you.

I have learnt that I don’t like taking selfies, they are far too personal for me and I just give up everytime. But hey there’s no rule books to say I need to take them. I can still show you guys my life with outfit shots, travel diaries and waffling on in the captions, which feels far more natural to me.

Although Instagram started out with trying to create a perfect picture I think people are embracing the imperfect now. Allison Sadler’s #freeupmyinsta hashtag for example encourages users to be unique, individual and break the themed feed idea. With over 23 thousand pics on the hashtag people are showing you can do it your own way, there are no rules for what works online.

What next?

So over past year or so I have really fallen back in love with blogging, I have learnt I don’t have to share every detail of my life online if I don’t want to, but can still connect with my audience by just being me. I am accepting that nothing is going to be perfect and there my be others that don’t like my blog but there are hundreds that do take the time to read it and that is amazing. I am going to focus on enjoying blogging, less time worrying what other thinks as you just can’t please everyone.

I love creating content for my blog and next month I am doing something I never thought I would have the confidence to do. I am challenging myself to do a DIY project everyday for the first twelve days in December, hello #12daysofDIY! Who knows if it will work but I am so excited about it and can’t wait to show you guys the first few DIY’s have created! So keep checking back in during December and follow along with #madeupfestive #12daysofDIY on social to see how I am doing…

Anna x





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